Your Welcome Letter information will be presented to you after you submit your web hosting order. Name: E-Mail: Company: Phone: Plan to be ordered: Budget 5 - 5GB Disk / Unlimited Bandwidth - 99¢/mo - First Month Free! Budget 5 - 5GB Disk / Unlimited Bandwidth - $11.88 annually - First Month Free! Budget 7 - 7GB Disk / Unlimited Bandwidth - $1.99/mo - First Month Free Budget 7 - 7GB Disk / Unlimited Bandwidth - $23.88 annually - First Month Free Budget 15 - 15GB Disk / Unlimited Bandwidth - $2.99/mo - First Month Free Budget 15 - 15GB Disk / Unlimited Bandwidth - $35.88 annually - First Month Free! Budget 20 - 20GB Disk / Unlimited Bandwidth - $3.99/mo - First Month Free Budget 20 - 20GB Disk / Unlimited Bandwidth - $47.88 annually - First Month Free! I have read and agree to the terms of service. Domain Name: Enter Your Domain Name to check availability Domain Registration(.com, .net, .org, .us, .info, .mobi, .biz,, .uk,,, and .name) No Thanks 1 year 19.95 - USD 2 year 39.90 - USD Coupon Code: Referred By: Comments: Billing Address: City: State / Province: Zip / Postal Code: Country: Payment Type: PayPal (Your subscription will be to AMS Computer Services, Inc) All orders are fraud checked using the WCZ Fraud Check SystemYou will be asked to confirm your order on the next page