BlazingHost Password Reset

We do not have access to your current password, your password will have to be reset.

We cannot reset passwords to your email accounts. You can do that yourself through your account's control panel.

It's important for you to always know the password to your accounts.

• Please change your password again after having your password reset.
  That way your current password is never stored in any email messages.

• We will have to verify account ownership before we can reset an account's password.

• We can only reset the password for your control panel - We cannot reset passwords to your script dashboards or anything else you may have installed on your website. Those are items you installed and you are responsible for.

Your Name:
Email Address:
This is the email address we will send your reset password to.
Domain Name:
Account Ownership Verification
How is account paid?
Last 4 digits of card:
The last four digits of the credit card number on file and used to pay for the account.
If you do not know what card the account is being charged on, you will need to review your credit card statements.
Subscription or Profile ID:
When you set up a PayPal subscription, PayPal creates a Profile ID (sometimes called a Subscription ID)
This will be in the email PayPal sent you when you set up the subscription or through your PayPal dashboard.
You will need to review your subscriptions in your PayPal account if you are unsure of the Profile ID
It will usually start with an S- or I-. This will need to be an active subscription.
Transaction ID:
This would be the transaction ID of the last PayPal Payment you made.
If you are using a PayPal subscription, it is best to use the PayPal Subscription option
If you do not pay for the account with a credit card or PayPal some other arrangement will have to be made to verify account ownership.

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